Season 1

Episode #4

The Power of Happy Employees: The Research of Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman

I am constantly ecstatic to witness the ground-breaking work being done in the field of positive psychology as a specialist in corporate happiness. 

Welcome to this new episode. This week’s happiness topic of analysis and discussion is about how we may design a workplace that encourages employee contentment and happiness as well as achieving corporate financial success.

Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman, often considered as the founder of positive psychology, is one researcher who has made important contributions to our understanding of happiness in the workplace. This post is inspired on his research and suggestions around employee wellbeing.

Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman, the founder of positive psychology, has conducted a large body of study on organizational happiness and its effects on both people and organizations. According to Dr. Seligman, an organization’s success may be greatly impacted by a positive workplace culture and a focus on employee well-being, which can result in better performance, higher engagement, and ultimately, greater financial success.

What precisely has Dr. Seligman learned about the link between happiness and business success, then? Let’s look more closely.

Dr. Seligman’s major result is that contented workers are more committed to their jobs. They are more inclined to go above and above what is required of them since they are more dedicated to their organization. Employees are more likely to take ownership of their work and are consequently more productive as a result of this elevated degree of engagement, which is an important aspect in enhancing job performance.

Dr. Seligman also made the significant observation that stress and burnout are less likely to occur among happy workers. This is important since chronic stress and burnout can negatively affect one’s physical and mental health, which can result in more absenteeism and lower productivity. Nonetheless, contented workers are more able to handle the demands of their jobs and are more resilient, which can result in greater physical health and a lower risk of sickness.

In his writings, Dr. Seligman makes the case that conventional methods for achieving organizational success, which largely emphasize effectiveness and profit, are deficient and might even prove to be ineffective over the long term. He contends that for businesses to prosper, they must also put an emphasis on developing an environment that is good for workers, encouraging their wellbeing, and encouraging a sense of involvement and fulfillment.

Dr. Seligman’s research on the science of happiness and well-being has had a significant impact on his work in this area. He maintains that happiness is essential to achievement in all spheres of life, including the job, and is not merely a result of success. Organizations can improve the working environment by putting more emphasis on employee happiness and wellbeing. This can result in better job performance, more innovation and creativity, and eventually, greater financial success.

The idea of “PERMA,” which stands for Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Achievement, is one of the central ideas in Dr. Seligman’s work. These five factors are critical for general well-being and are necessary for fostering a supportive and happy work environment, according to Dr. Seligman.

If you want to know more about the “PERMA” research on a future post please let me know via Linkedin or social media.

The expression of positive emotions, such as happiness, contentment, and satisfaction, is referred to as positive emotion. Organizations may promote employee motivation and satisfaction by establishing a favorable work environment, which will boost output and performance.

A feeling of flow or immersion in work activities is referred to as engagement. Employees are more likely to be innovative, successful, and driven when they are fully invested in their work.

Relationships are the interpersonal bonds and exchanges that staff members have with one another and with their supervisors. Relationships that are strong and supportive can increase team cohesion, lessen stress and conflict, and increase job satisfaction.

A sense of purpose and significance in one’s job is referred to as meaning. Employees are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and satisfied with their work when they believe that their effort matters and is making a difference.

A sense of achievement and advancement in one’s work are examples of accomplishment. Employees are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and satisfied with their work when they can see the effects of their efforts and feel like they are progressing.

Organizations may foster a more happy and rewarding work environment for employees by concentrating on these five aspects of well-being, which will ultimately result in better job performance, more innovation and creativity, and enhanced financial success.

In conclusion, Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman’s research on organizational happiness emphasizes the significance of providing employees with a happy and rewarding work environment. Organizations can create a more positive and productive work atmosphere that can improve job performance, increase innovation and creativity, and ultimately lead to greater financial success by focusing on employee well-being and promoting the five components of well-being: Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment.

I strongly advise adopting the ideas of positive psychology and Dr. Seligman’s research on organizational happiness into your workplace culture. By doing this, you may design a workplace that encourages employee contentment and happiness as well as financial success.

Once more it has been a pleasure to explore another happiness topic to help professionals and companies thrive and find true happiness and success.

Make sure you connect with me on LinkedIn and social media.  

If you are a professional or company owner and would like me to give a happiness talk or certification, make sure to CONTACT ME HERE.

Wishing you a joyful week.


-Laura Brunereau-
Happiness expert


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Laura Brunereau Happiness Expert
Laura Brunereau Happiness Expert

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“As a Positive Psychology and Organizational Happiness expert, I am passionate about helping companies create a positive and fulfilling workplace environment for their employees.

I offer a range of courses and training services designed to help companies incorporate the principles of positive psychology and improve employee well-being and happiness.

My customized training sessions cover topics such as building a positive workplace culture, promoting employee engagement and fulfillment, and using positive psychology to improve job performance.

Whether you’re looking to improve employee well-being, increase productivity, or simply create a happier workplace, I have the expertise to help you achieve your goals.

If you’re interested in learning more about my courses and training services, I invite you to contact me today to schedule a consultation.”

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