Season 1

Episode #1

The Importance of Happiness and How to Apply Happiness Growth Theory

Welcome to the first season of our blog series where we explore the world of happiness and well-being in the workplace. This season is all about “Welcoming the Organizational Happiness Era.” 

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of happiness and how applying and studying the happiness principles may improve our lives.

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, it is more important than ever to cultivate happiness and find fulfillment in our personal and professional lives.

But what really is happiness?

A positive and rewarding emotional state is referred to by the multifaceted and intricate idea of happiness. It includes feeling a sense of fulfillment, joy, and contentment in life and can be influenced by a number of things, including interpersonal connections, employment, health, and personal values. Happiness and joy come from a deep sense of purpose, inner discovery and connection with our values, mind and soul. 

You may be asking why it is crucial to understand and use happiness concepts in both our personal and professional lives. The reason is straightforward: Many advantages to one’s general health and quality of life have been linked to happiness. Let’s examine some of these advantages in more detail:

Increased Physical Health: Research has shown that being happy can have a significant impact on one’s physical health by lowering stress levels, enhancing the immune system, and reducing the risk of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease and stroke.

Greater Life Satisfaction: Those who are happier frequently report having higher levels of life satisfaction as well as a stronger feeling of meaning and purpose in their lives. You can accomplish your objectives, feel more fulfilled, and live a happier and more contented life as a result of this sense of accomplishment. I can promise you that the happiness teachings open up a space where you can find your path if you’re looking for your life’s purpose.

Helps Mental Health: Happiness can greatly enhance mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms, as well as by encouraging a more upbeat attitude on life. This may lead to a higher sense of wellbeing, a happier mood, and a decrease in unfavourable thoughts and emotions. The more you comprehend about how your mind and brain function, the simpler it is to align with joy and delight.

Improved Relationships: Because they are more likely to be sympathetic, kind, and compassionate, happy people tend to have stronger and more satisfying personal connections. This promotes improved communication, increased trust, and more satisfying connections. Happiness has a good effect on all of your connections since happy people become more inspiring friends, parents, and leaders.

Performance Gains: Research has shown that people who are happy tend to be more productive, creative, and problem-solvers, which improves their performance in both their personal and professional lives. Happiness can boost productivity and performance because it makes you more driven, focused, and engaged. I will be telling you much more about this on future blogs.

Improved Resilience: Those who are happy are more resilient and have a more upbeat attitude on life, making them better prepared to handle life’s hardships. This can improve your ability to rapidly and efficiently recover from setbacks as well as your resilience and inner strength. Entrepreneurs and leaders can enormously benefit from this skill, generating an even higher positive impact.

So, how can you learn and apply happiness concepts in your daily life?

Develop Gratitude: Practicing gratitude is one of the most effective techniques to boost happiness. Take time to enjoy the people and experiences that make you happy, and keep your attention on the positive aspects of your life. Start to purposely feel grateful, literally for everything!

Develop Good Relationships: Surround yourself with good, upbeat individuals who encourage the best in you. More happiness and improved relationships may result from this. Keep in your inner circle positive individuals and find mentors that are already aligned with their own happiness.

Participate in Meaningful Activities: Whether it’s volunteering, picking up a hobby, or pursuing a passion, engage in activities that you find gratifying and meaningful. The more you give, the more you find your purpose.

Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the art of paying attention to your thoughts and feelings while being fully present in the moment. As a result, there may be an increase in enjoyment and wellbeing as well as an increase in productivity and attention.Just try it, you will start noticing how much our mind wonders, and how much precious moments we could be milking for an extra dose of joy.

Workout frequently: It has been demonstrated that regular exercise increases happiness and wellbeing. Make exercise a regular part of your schedule, whether it’s a daily walk or a formal workout. There is more and more available neuroscience research about how exercise impacts your hormones that help connect with happiness.

Build Your Own Spirituality: By embracing our own unique spiritual paths and connecting with our hearts, we can tap into a source of inner joy and fulfillment that will enrich our lives and benefit the world around us. It also opens a door of heart to heart connection with others with similar beliefs.


In conclusion, happiness is an important part of life that can have a significant impact on our success in both personal and professional endeavors, as well as our general health and happiness. I’ll be sharing with you weekly blogs and podcasts around this vast and interesting subject.

As an organizational happiness expert, I highly recommend incorporating positive psychology principles and practices into both personal and work life. 

People and organizations can benefit from happiness in a variety of ways, including better physical and mental health, higher levels of life satisfaction, improved interpersonal connections, better performance, and greater resilience. By putting happiness first, people and businesses may build a happier and more rewarding workplace, which promotes success and growth.

Stay tuned for our next post, where we will delve further into this important topic.

-Laura Brunereau-
Happiness expert


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Laura Brunereau Happiness Expert
Laura Brunereau Happiness Expert

Bring the happiness culture to your company

Let's transform your organization

“As a Positive Psychology and Organizational Happiness expert, I am passionate about helping companies create a positive and fulfilling workplace environment for their employees.

I offer a range of courses and training services designed to help companies incorporate the principles of positive psychology and improve employee well-being and happiness.

My customized training sessions cover topics such as building a positive workplace culture, promoting employee engagement and fulfillment, and using positive psychology to improve job performance.

Whether you’re looking to improve employee well-being, increase productivity, or simply create a happier workplace, I have the expertise to help you achieve your goals.

If you’re interested in learning more about my courses and training services, I invite you to contact me today to schedule a consultation.”

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